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RSID: <<2016-10-08T20:25Z MFSK-32 @ -webstream-[1584000]+1500>>


MERCOLEDI' 18.00-21 UTC  6070 KHZ
VENERDI'   01-01.30 UTC  9955 KHZ
SABATO     01.30-02 UTC 11580 KHZ
SABATO     20-20.30 UTC  1584 KHZ

MERCOLEDI' 20.30-21.00 UTC  6070 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz) E IN OLIVIA 16-500 (2200 Hz)
VENERDI'   01.25-01.30 UTC  9955 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz)
SABATO     01.55-02.00 UTC 11580 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz)
SABATO     20.25-20.30 UTC  1584 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz)
DOMENICA   10.30-11.00 UTC  6070 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz) E IN OLIVIA 16-500 (2200 Hz)




5Z Kenya Sep 24 - Oct 10 IW5BBV will be on /5Z4 QSL H.C. dir & bur
7P Lesotho Aug 26 - Nov 5 K7TRB will be on as 7P8VA QSL  H.C. dir & bur
8P Barbados Oct 29 - Oct 30 8P6Sh will be active in contest as 8P50B QSL KU9C LoTW
8Q Maldives Oct 2 - Oct 12 IZ1MHY will sign 8Q7MD QSL H.C. LoTW dir/bur
8Q Maldives Oct 4 - Oct 16 DJ9HX as 8Q7HX QSL H.C. LoTW
Antartica Now - Dec 2016 VU3BPZ is active as BT2BH QSL I1HYW
9Q Congo Nov 20 - Dec 25 IS0BWM will sign 9Q0HQ/3 Dir only
9X Rwanda Now - Dec 30 KB1ZSQ is on as 9X0JW during spare time
C9 Mozambique NOW - Mar 2017 PD0JBH is now on as C91PA QSL H.C. & LoTW
CY0 Sable Sep 18 - Nov 15 VA1AXC is again /CY0 QSL JE1LET dir
FO F.Polynesia Oct 10 - Nov 2 DF1YP will sign /FO QSL H.C dir & bur
H44 H40 Solomon Temotu Sep 24 - Oct 21 LZ1GC plan to be on as H44GC & H40GC QSL H.C. Club Log LoTW
S7 Seychelles OCT 2 - Oct 12 R2DG will sign S79PA QSL H.C. LoTW
T2 Tuvalu Oct 4 - Oct 10 JA2FJP & JF2MBF will be on QSL LoTW & Club log
T31 Central Kiribati Oct 4 - Oct 31 3 SP operators will operate signing T31T QSL 3Z9DX
V3 Belize Oct 6 - Oct 11 WB0TEV will sign V31VP QSL H.C.
V3 Belize Oct 9 - Oct 16 K5TTE will sign V31TT
V3 Belize Now - Oct end PA0C will sign V31HV & V31HV/p QSL H.C. dir
VK Australia Oct 10 - Oct 16 VK5GR will be /P from OC-139 QSL H.C. bur LoTW
VK9N Norfolk Sep 25 - Oct 15 ZL3GA ZL3AB ZL4TT ZL3P as VK9NZ QSL ZL3PAH & Club Log
VK9N Norfolk NOW G0PWH has moved to Norfolk and will be there as VK9PH QSL QRZ.COM
VP2V B. Virgin Islands Nov 22 - Nov 29 W1UU, K2SX, W2LK and WA6O will be active /VP2V. Will sign VP2VI in the contest
VP6 Pitcairn Sep 3 - Nov 25 DL2AH as VP6AH QSL DL2AH






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██║██╔══██╗██║         ██║  ██║██║██║   ██║██║   ██║   ██╔══██║██║         ╚██╗ ██╔╝██║██╔══██║    ██╔══██╗██╔══██║██║  ██║██║██║   ██║    ██╔══██╗██║     ██║         ██║╚██╗██║██╔══╝  ██║███╗██║╚════██║
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RSID: <<2016-10-09T10:29Z MFSK-32 @ 6070000+1500>>




MERCOLEDI' 20.30-21.00 UTC
 6070 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz) E IN OLIVIA 16-500 (2200 Hz)
  01.25-01.30 UTC  9955 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz)
    01.55-02.00 UTC 11580 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz)
    20.25-20.30 UTC  1584 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz)
  10.30-11.00 UTC  6070 KHZ IN MFSK32 (1500 Hz) E IN OLIVIA 16-500 (2200 Hz) VIA "RADIO BCL NEWS"


RTE 1 252 kHz, niente switchoff nel 2017. Le onde lunghe piacciono agli espatriati

Il modello europeo del "public broadcasting" è messo a dura prova dalla lunga crisi, che ha reso i bilanci di molte emittenti perforati come il gruviera. Ma
è sempre più chiaro che certe scelte sono, in realtà, di natura politica. Hanno a che fare con i desideri e le aspirazioni della gente. In questo senso
sorprende l'annuncio, sull'irlandese Independent (SEGUE ARTICOLO ORIGINALE IN INGLESE), della sospensione del progetto di smantellamento dell'impianto in
onde lunghe di Clarkstown su 252 kHz, nato come joint venture pubblico-privata (tra l'irlandese RTE e il gruppo RTL) alla fine degli anni '80 e oggi gestito
da RTE Radio 1 attraverso 2RN, l'operatore di rete controllato dallo stesso broadcaster pubblico. I 252 consumano molto e pesano parecchio sulla bolletta
elettrica di RTE (250 kiloeuro all'anno, secondo il quotidiano). L'emittente, chequest'anno annuncerà un altro buco da 20 milioni di euro, aveva da tempo
deciso per lo spegnimento di questa potente antenna, che era stato fissato per il maggio del 2017. E invece sembra che il destino ultimo delle onde lunghe
irlandesi potrebbe essere oggetto di revisione. Diversi gruppi di opinione si sono fatti sentire, inclusi i rappresentanti della importante comunità di 600
mila irlandesi che vivono nel Regno Unito, naturale area target dell'emittente. Per quanto obsoleta e costosa come tecnologia, le onde lunghe continuano a
essere percepite come un importante legame con la madre patria, soprattutto dagli ascoltatori più anziani. L'Independent cita un sondaggio da cui
risulterebbero livelli di apprezzamento superiori al 90% in un pubblico evidentemente molto più fedele del previsto.
Non è detto che non vengano prese in considerazione tecniche nuove, come il DRM (peraltro già utilizzato in passato per una sperimentazione sulla stessa
frequenza), ma anche il prossimo anno RTE 1 continuerà a trasmettere.
La foto dell'impianto di Clarkstown, Irlanda

Sending Pic:500x397Cp2;
            [C = colored image, p2 = X4 --> quadruple-speed-mode]




RTE ditches plans to axe longwave 252 radio service after criticism in Britain

RTE is set to scrap controversial plans to axe its longwave radio service, aimed at saving the cash-strapped broadcaster €250,000 a year, the Sunday
Independent has learned.
As the station grapples with an unprecedented financial crisis, it was announced two years ago that it planned to wind down longwave 252 broadcasts before
full shutdown in May 2017.
But the plan caused widespread anger, particularly among the Irish community in Britain, where the service is seen as a crucial lifeline for thousands of
older emigrants who cannot access digital broadcasts.
RTE sources say the service was targeted for shutdown because it is considered outdated, and is an ongoing and unnecessary cost, during a time of increasing
financial pressures.
However, as a result of a public backlash, the broadcaster was forced to temporarily postpone the closure until 2017, giving listeners more time to move over
to digital platforms.
But the station has confirmed it is now carrying out a "review" of its previous announcement.
A spokesperson added that there is now no specific date for the termination of the service. However, it is understood there remains an ongoing risk as
regards its long-term viability. RTE has argued that transition to better quality, more sustainable digital alternatives, is essential in the longer term.
There are an estimated 600,000 Irish-born immigrants living in the UK.
Many of the older emigrants left Ireland in the 1950s - with only basic education - as Ireland grappled with widespread unemployment.
They are now elderly and a significant number are in difficult financial circumstances, according to social services.
This radio service is still a crucial 'link with home' for many thousands of older Irish in Britain, according to various immigrant groups working with
social services.
The latest development comes as RTE grapples with an ongoing financial crisis, currently forecasting a loss of up to €20m in the current year. The
organisation's new Director-General, Dee Forbes, faces a difficult challenge to stem the deficit.
In the wake of the station's announcement in 2014, 'Irish in Britain', an umbrella group representing various emigrant organisation, carried out research
into RTE radio broadcasting in the UK.
It looked at the frequency of Radio 1 listenership, attitudes to its content, and perceived benefits and weaknesses of the service, in England, Scotland and
It found it gives listeners a 'sense of Irishness' and helps them keep up to date with news and current affairs 'back home'. Some participants referenced
their remittance contributions back to Ireland during the depression years of the 1950s.
They argued they should not now be abandoned by the public service broadcaster.
The survey also found 92pc of respondents listen to RTE "every day" or "most days".
Charlotte Curran, national health coordinator with the 'Irish in Britain' community group, says the service is an "invaluable lifeline" for the Irish
She said there is an ongoing need for older people to maintain a link with their homeland.
"They want to hear the familiar voice of Ireland and hear the stories from back home.
"They feel a connection to that - and these are people who don't frequently travel back to Ireland."
In a statement, the Department of Foreign Affairs said while it is ultimately an operational matter for RTE, it is hoped the broadcaster will be informed by
"awareness of the role that the service plays in preserving and enhancing links with Ireland."
Sunday Independent


SWITCH NOW TO OLIVIA 16-500(2200 Hz)




RSID: <<2016-10-09T10:42Z OL 16-500 @ 6070000+2200>>






5N Nigeria Oct 2 - Oct 20 PA3TG will be /5N during spare time QSL H.C. dir & bur
5Z Kenya NOW till 2019 DL2RMC will sign /5Z4 QSL H.C.
7P Lesotho Aug 26 - Nov 5 K7TRB will be on as 7P8VA QSL H.C. dir & bur
8P Barbados Oct 29 - Oct 30 8P6Sh will be active as 8P50B QSL KU9C LoTW
8Q Maldives Oct 15 - Oct 23 4Z5SL will operate as 8Q7DK QSL LoTW & ClubLog
8T Antartica Now - Dec 2016 VU3BPZ is active as BT2BH QSL I1HYW
9N Nepal Oct 15 - Oct 30 SP9FIH as 9N7CC, SP2FUD as 9N7FD, SP9FIH as 9N7WE. Dates to be cfmd
9Q Congo Nov 20 - Dec 25 IS0BWM will sign 9Q0HQ/3 QSL H.C. Dir only
9X Rwanda Now - Dec 30 KB1ZSQ is on as 9X0JW during spare time
BV Taiwan Oct 29 - Oct 30 JL3RDC will be /BW in the contest QSL H.C.
CY0 Sable Sep 18 - Nov 15 VA1AXC is again /CY0 QSL JE1LET dir
FK New Caledonia Oct 14 - Oct 16 TX8JOTA special station will be on QSL FK bur
FO/M Marquesas NOW FO5QS is moving to Marquesas where he will stay a few years QSL H.C.
FO F.Polynesia Oct 10 - Nov 2 DF1YP will sign /FO H.C dir & bur
HP Panama Oct 13 - Oct 18 H84JK will be used by SP5APW from NA-088
S9 Sao Tome Oct 8 - Oct 23 6DL operators will be on signing S9YY HF and EME QSL DH7WW
T30 W.Kiribati Sep 24 - Oct 24 KC0W will operate from T30 signing T30COW
T31 Central Kiribati Oct 4 - Oct 31 3 SP operators will operate signing T31T QSL 3Z9DX
V3 Belize Now - Oct end PA0C will sign V31HV & V31HV/p QSL H.C. dir
VK Australia Oct 10 - Oct 16 VK5GR will be /P from OC-139 QSL H.C. bur LoTW
VP2V B. Virgin Islands Nov 22 - Nov29 W1UU, K2SX, W2LK and WA6O will be active/VP2V
VP6 Pitcairn Sep 3 - Nov 25 DL2AH as VP6AH QSL DL2AH
XT Burkina Faso Oct 13 - Nov 20 DF2WO will sign XT2AW QSL M0OXO






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RSID: <<2016-10-09T21:30Z MFSK-32 @ 15770000+1500>>

Hello and welcome to DigiDX 31 a weekly review of the latest shortwave
and DX news today in MFSK32 mode. This programme includes the latest
shortwave news, the second part of an article on combatting shortwave
radio interference by Jay Allen and the e-QSL card.

DigiDX weekly schedule:
Sunday 2130 - 15770kHz via WRMI (Okeechobee, FL, USA)
Sunday 2330 - 11580kHz via WRMI (Okeechobee, FL, USA)
Sunday 1830 -
  6070kHz via Channel 292 (Rohrbach Wall, DE)
Monday 2000 -  6070kHz via Channel 292 (Rohrbach Wall, DE) (irr. at the moment)

To buy shortwave time from Channel 292 at very reasonable prices go to
http://www.channel292.de or from WRMI from http://www.wrmi.net/

Any other extra broadcasts will be listed on http://www.digidx.uk

If you enjoy DigiDX and find the service useful please consider donating
via Paypal to reports@digidx.uk. Any money donated will go towards
paying for airtime to keep DigiDX on the air to Europe and North

Latest Shortwave News:

Special VOA broadcasts to Haiti
RTE Longwave update
KBS World Radio Tests

Special VOA broadcasts to Haiti

Due to the ongoing devastation in Haiti caused by Hurricane Matthew,
VOA have added special broadcasts in Creole and English. The
transmissions are all from Greenville, North Carolina and are scheduled
as follows:

2200-0200 7305 kHz
0200-1200 7405 kHz
1200-1630 9565 kHz

Including in the programming is news and announcements Creole and VOA 1
music shows in English.

With the hurricane also expected to hit the East Coast of the USA, some
broadcasts from WRMI are also expected to be affected. Below is a
picture of the boarded up windows on the WRMI transmitter building as
they prepare for the storm in Okeechobee, FL.

Sending Pic:288x216C;



RTE Longwave update

Article from the Irish Sunday Independent -

RTE is set to scrap controversial plans to axe its longwave radio
service, aimed at saving the cash-strapped broadcaster €250,000 a
year, the Sunday Independent has learned.

As the station grapples with an unprecedented financial crisis, it was
announced two years ago that it planned to wind down longwave 252
broadcasts before full shutdown in May 2017. But the plan caused
widespread anger, particularly among the Irish community in Britain,
where the service is seen as a crucial lifeline for thousands of older
emigrants who cannot access digital broadcasts.

RTE sources say the service was targeted for shutdown because it is
considered outdated, and is an ongoing and unnecessary cost, during a
time of increasing financial pressures. However, as a result of a public
backlash, the broadcaster was forced to temporarily postpone the closure
until 2017, giving listeners more time to move over to digital
platforms. But the station has confirmed it is now carrying out a
"review" of its previous announcement.

A spokesperson added that there is now no specific date for the
termination of the service. However, it is understood there remains an
ongoing risk as regards its long-term viability. RTE has argued that
transition to better quality, more sustainable digital alternatives, is
essential in the longer term. There are an estimated 600,000 Irish-born
immigrants living in the UK. Many of the older emigrants left Ireland in
the 1950s - with only basic education - as Ireland grappled with
widespread unemployment.

They are now elderly and a significant number are in difficult financial
circumstances, according to social services. This radio service is still
a crucial 'link with home' for many thousands of older Irish in Britain,
according to various immigrant groups working with social services.



KBS World Radio Tests

KBS World Radio English Service from South Korea will carry test
transmissions from October 3 to 8 ahead of the B16 shortwave frequency
changes. They are looking for reception reports to be sent to
English@kbs.co.kr to help choose the best freqeuncy for the new season
which starts at the end of October.

Date Time kHz Target Area
Oct. 3 14:00-15:00 9595 India
Oct. 4 9665
Oct. 5 7215
Oct. 6 23:00-24:00 9570 Africa
Oct. 7 9710
Oct. 8 11615



Upcoming relays and special broadcasts:

VOA Radiogram will be on air this weekend on the following frequencies,
for more information on the modes to be used visit

Sat 0930-1000
 5745 kHz
Sat 1600-1630 17580 kHz
Sun 0230-0300
 5745 kHz
Sun 1930-2000 15670 kHz


After a summer break Gilles Létourneau who runs the excellent
OfficialSWLchannel channel on Youtube is back with with his shortwave
and radio related Youtube Live shows. To watch the shows or any of his
videos go to https://www.youtube.com/user/OfficialSWLchannel


Hobart Radio International will have the following schedule this weekend:

 11580kHz 2030-2100, 2330-0000UTC
   15770khz 2100-2130UTC
    9955kHz 0330-0400UTC
    5130kHz 0330-0400UTC
   9955kHz 2230-2300UTC

From the beginning of November (B16) HRI will commence
fortnightly transmissions on Channel 292 6070kHz, but will cease WRMI
11580kHz and 15770kHz. WRMI on 9955kHz will remain.



Now we have the second part of an article from RadioJayAllen.com on
combating shortwave radio interference.

Some Examples Of Ways I’ve Dealt With Various Noise Sources:

Noise On The A/C Line & Battery Operation: RFI from many sources gets
into your radio via two routes – directly through the air and by
riding along the power lines. The noise on the A/C line will vary from
circuit to circuit and area to area in your house so simply plugging
your radio or the noise-making device into a different outlet or circuit
can make a big difference. Experiment to see what improvements you can
get this way. Given today’s typical household noise levels, if your
radio can run on battery power it will almost always suffer much less
noise that way than when plugged into the A/C line. Also, many modern
power supplies for radios (wall-warts) are themselves noisy through
improper design. Try battery power…if you haven’t tried that before
you may be in for a treat…it can dramatically lower the noise level.

One of the first noisy items I encountered was a flatbed scanner. It
took me awhile to localize it because I had never before encountered a
device that was noisy without being turned on…it just had to be
plugged in. Once I figured that out I simply left it unplugged except
when I was using it. Eventually it became outdated and was replaced with
a new model which is not noisy.

Modem: My modem was an intermittent noisemaker. Often I would unplug its
wall-wart and the noise would stop, but I could plug it in again and the
noise would not come back for hours or days. I never figured out why but
I replaced the wall-wart and the noise stayed away.

O2 (Carbon Monoxide) Detector: This was causing lots of hash on AM until
I relocated it to another outlet. If I had been aware of this issue when
I first bought it I might have tried a different model but this solution
worked for me.

Surge-Suppressor Power Strip: This was one of the hardest ones to locate
because it was both quirky and intermittent. I discovered it when I was
turning circuit breakers off individually. I turned one breaker off and
the noise stopped, but when I turned the breaker back on the noise did
not come back…for three days. I determined which outlets were
controlled by that circuit and when the noise finally returned I
systematically started pulling plugs but this time I got an unexpected
result when I unplugged a power strip which had several devices plugged
into it. It turned out that the power strip was the culprit but only
when one certain piece of equipment (an audio processor) was plugged
into it…now that’s nasty. The processor was fine when plugged in to
the outlet directly, and the power strip was fine when used with
anything else, but plug that particular component into that particular
power strip and BUZZ! It turns out that power strip had a MOV (Metal
Oxide Varistor) surge protector. These MOV’s tend to weaken with time
so many such strips include an indicator light to let you know their
status. So I admit I don’t know if it was the neon indicator or the
MOV itself which was causing the noise but the clear solution was to
replace the strip.

Dimmers: Some dimmers are far nosier than others. When installing or
replacing a dimmer be sure to look for one with RFI Suppression built
in…it should state this on the packaging. Even so, dimmers are noise
generators, and are generally at their worst at mid-brightness settings.
One solution I found was to use a small AM loop antenna to help improve
the signal to noise ratio. Loop antennas are natural noise-fighters
because they respond to the magnetic portion of the radio signal while
ignoring the electrical component, which is where the noise is. I have a
GE Reproduction Cathedral radio in my kitchen and it sits very near a
dimmer switch which has to be on most of the time. I found that my Terk
AM Advantage loop antenna placed next to the radio as shown virtually
eliminates the buzz caused by that dimmer on the AM station that radio
is always tuned to…it seems to be the only practical solution in this

TV Sets have always been the bane of AM radio listeners but Plasma sets
are by far the worst offenders ever. If you are choosing a new set be
aware that LCD/LED sets produce far less interference; generally if you
are several feet from the TV you will be OK, whereas Plasma sets often
cause interference over much greater distances. If a nearby TV is
causing interference about the only thing you can do is to find a spot
where your reception is less affected by it, aim your radio carefully to
minimize it and again, try a loop antenna.

Other Solutions:

Noise Suppressing Power Strip or Outlet: These are available in many
forms and may sometimes be of value but their effectiveness is hard to
predict. I rate them as worth a try but don’t expect miracles.

Try A Windowsill: OK. You’ve been through it all, but living in an
apartment building you just have weak signals and tons of noise. There
is still hope. If your AM and SW reception is much better in a
windowsill than anywhere else inside your home, you can “import”
that signal to a more convenient listening spot using an antenna
designed to do this. For AM one excellent choice is the C. Crane Twin
Coil Ferrite Antenna . The pickup or head end of this antenna can be
placed on your windowsill to intercept signals that don’t make it
through the walls, then deliver them to your listening spot. The antenna
comes with a 6 foot cable for this purpose, but you can also obtain 25
and 50 foot extensions as needed. For this purpose I know of no other
antenna that works this well. For Shortwave there are a number of loops
available such as the Sony ANLP-1 (SW only) and Degen/Kaito loops (SW
Only SW/AM models available). Many listeners have gotten good results by
merely creating a stealth antenna…one which is almost invisible, using
fine wire or foil arranged around the window’s perimeter…again,
experimentation is the key here as there are few hard and fast rules
about what may work in your particular setting. If you can open a window
or balcony door you can place an antenna outdoors…a passive or active
whip such as the Sony AN-1 (now available from Japan via eBay as the
AN-12). Of course, if it happens to be convenient you can simply leave
the radio on the windowsill, perhaps aided by a small passive
loop…several are available and all are equally effective.

Other Antennas: I have focused on simple indoor solutions for noise but
if you live in a low noise residential area (where the noise outside is
much less than inside your house) and can erect an outdoor antenna –
an outdoor random wire is the simplest and least expensive antenna you
can have and often works very well. Often mistakenly referred to as
longwire antennas, random wires get their name because they are much
shorter than the wavelengths they are intended to receive and their
length is not critical…they do not have to made to a specific length
to resonate on certain wavelengths or frequency bands. Any wire from
about 30 feet up to as long as you can manage will be an excellent
receiving antenna for AM and shortwave if the noise levels are low in
your area…50 to 100 footers are common. Just be sure to use a balun
with shielded coax lead-in to maintain low noise…a simple unshielded
lead-in wire will introduce noise. Here’s one good site for general
antenna building information.


There are also several manufactured antennas you can buy…these are cut
to specific lengths and are usually tuned and trapped to work within
specific frequency ranges but can offer better performance than the
random wire. While most are aimed at the shortwave listener many also
perform well for AM. Universal-Radio is one good source…an internet
search will yield many others. As I mentioned earlier, loop antennas are
generally the best tools for overcoming noise problems and they can also
be of immense value when located externally, either outdoors or just in
another room or attic. The Wellbrook loops
(http://www.wellbrook.uk.com/) are probably the finest available. A
newer offering from Pixel has been getting favorable comments as well.
Loops are valuable because they can outperform wire antennas where noise
is in the air outdoors. There simplest to install are hula-hoop-sized
loops which perform amazingly well and can be used indoors or outdoors,
(I use a Wellbrook ALA-3330S). There are also larger wire loops with
even greater capture area for the best performance you’ll find
anywhere. The T2FD loop is very effective as are the large aperture
loops from Wellbrook or homebrew designs.

Conclusion: (Sub-tiled. “Why is my car AM radio so much better than
any other radio I own?”) There’s much false information floating
around about why car radios seem so much better than most home AM
radios; here are the facts. First, it is indeed true that the best AM
car radios are superb receivers. They are well-built and have
well-designed circuitry. In the past, when radios were optional
equipment, they generally cost hundreds of dollars for an AM only
model…wouldn’t you expect it to be better than a $50 portable? They
also have the advantages of powerful amplifiers and a robust automotive
power supply. However the very best portable AM radios are also
excellent but as I said at the start, they are usually hampered by the
typical household’s difficult RF environment.

Many people point to once-ubiquitous whip antenna and car body as an
excellent pair for good AM reception. This is partially true for outdoor
use, but if you could bring the whole car indoors you would find its
whip antenna would fare much less well because it would pick up tons of
noise which a portable radio’s ferrite rod (being a loop) can ignore.
Also you can’t aim a whip for AM directional reception. I once worked
in a car stereo sales and service shop …indoors the car radios
received far less well than they did outdoors and it was the location,
not the absence of the car body that made the difference. Often, when
people have emailed me asking why such and such a radio which I have
rated as excellent, such as the 5 star radios in my AM Mega Shootout,
doesn’t receive as well as their car radio, I have asked them to take
their radio outside to see how well it does there and many times they
reply with a astonishment at how much better the reception is outside
their house.

AM and SW radio have always fascinated me, but to maximize your
reception you must be aware of the factors that can ruin reception in
order to have any hopes of improving your results. I hope this article
will give you some ideas of ways you can improve yours.

Email me at: radiojayallen@gmail.com and please visit radiojayallen.com
for more radio related articles and reviews.

Now follows the e-QSL card as an MFSK32 image

Sending Pic:432x247;



This is DigiDX signing off...




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AUDIO:  https://app.box.com/s/iu291dmljgsuc3jkj8c2ak5a0voybaaw

6145 kHz QRM  KBC  <===> AIR GOS Urdu Service   6min35s  +  MFSK32-part [3 MB mp3  64kbps] ~01.30z


RSID: <<2016-10-09T01:30Z MFSK-32 @ 17580000+1500>>

We lost a good friend. Gary J. Cohen was a great guy and a very
loyal KBC fan ...

Sending Pic:184x99C;


















Please report decode to themightykbc@gmail.com










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RSID: <<2016-10-08T16:01Z MFSK-32 @ 17580000+1500>>


Welcome to  program 184 of VOA Radiogram from the Voice of

I'm Kim Andrew Elliott in Washington.

Here is the lineup for today's program, all in MFSK32 except
where noted:

 1:51  Program preview (now)
 3:01  Another Saturn moon may have subsurface ocean*
 7:28  Video captures detail of Hawaii volcano lava*
14:34  Olivia 64-2000: Pacific garbage patch
23:25  MFSK32: Hurricane Matthew*
26:04  Closing announcements*

* with image

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

And visit voaradiogram.net.

Twitter: @VOARadiogram

Researchers Discover Subsurface Ocean on Saturn's Dione Moon

VOA News
October 6, 2016

A third Saturn moon may have a subsurface ocean with potential
for life, researchers say.

Using gravity data from the Cassini probe, researchers at the
Royal Observatory of Belgium say Dione joins Titan and Enceladus
as Saturn moons likely having subsurface oceans.

Researchers say Dione's ocean is likely 100 kilometers beneath
the surface, "several tens of kilometers deep" and surrounds a
rocky core.

Unlike Enceladus, which has geysers of water that spurt from the
southern polar region, Dione appears "quiet" now, but researchers
say it likely had a more active past.

Enceladus' ocean, according to researchers, is likely much closer
to the surface, particularly in the southern polar regions where
the icy crust might be only a few kilometers thick.

One way Enceladus' ocean was discovered was by observing "large
back-and-forth oscillations, called libration." If the libration
was smaller on the moon, it would likely mean the crust was

"Like Enceladus, Dione librates but below the detection level of
Cassini," said Antony Trinh, co-author of the new study. "A
future orbiter hopping around Saturn's moons could test this

Dione's ocean has likely been there since the moon formed,
researchers said, adding that it could be host to microbial life.

"The contact between the ocean and the rocky core is crucial,"
said Attilio Rivoldini, co-author of the study. "Rock-water
interactions provide key nutrients and a source of energy, both
being essential ingredients for life."

The study was published online this week in Geophysical Research


Image: Dione with Enceladus in the background. This image was
taken by the Cassini spacecraft on 8 September 2015 ...

Sending Pic:342x215;

17580 kHz

15670 kHz

This is VOA Radiogram from the Voice of America.

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.


Gurgling Lava Splashes Up Hawaii Volcano Walls in Rare Video

Associated Press via voanews.com
October 5, 2016

HONOLULU - As the high-definition camera pans across the surface
of an active Hawaii volcano's viscous summit lava lake, a large
bubble of volcanic gas grows and bursts, dramatically spewing
molten rock into the air and sending a massive ripple of lava
outward across the crater.

Federal officials released high-definition video of the lava lake
atop Hawaii's Kilauea volcano on Tuesday, providing a rare
close-up glimpse of the powerful summit eruption, shot in
stunning 4K ultra-high-definition video.

The U.S. Geological Survey footage shows lava breaking through
the crusted mantle of the lava lake on the Big Island and
splashing up the crater walls. Aerial footage shows lava glowing
through the cracks of the slightly hardened crust atop the
flowing and bubbling lava.

USGS video producer Stephen Wessells, geologist Janet Babb and
other scientists worked along the edge of the volcano's massive
summit wearing gas masks and other protective gear to capture the
images. At times, they were only a few hundred feet away from the
lava lake.

"It was the greatest shooting experience of my life," said
Wessells, who has been producing video for USGS since 1990. "It
was just spectacular."

The summit eruption has been happening since March 2008, which is
when federal officials closed the area to the public.

Babb told The Associated Press that the area is full of hazards.
Gasses from the volcano, which can swirl around in the strong
trade winds on the summit, "can be life-threatening," said Babb.

Additionally, "rocks from the vent wall will fall apart and fall
into the lava lake and when they do there's a big gas release,
this big kind of bubble burst, and it will hurl fragments of
molten lava ... up onto the crater rim."

The team was reminded of this danger when a filming location was
covered in hot spatter just a week after they were there.

"It was a very sobering moment," Babb said.

Kilauea has an extensive history of eruptions. While most of
Kilauea's activity has been nonexplosive, a 1924 eruption spewed
ash and 10-ton rocks into the sky and left a man dead.

A vent adjacent to the summit known as Puu Oo recently erupted
and sent lava trickling down the mountainside and into the
Pacific Ocean for the first time in several years.

A 1983 Puu Oo eruption resulted in lava fountains soaring over
1,500 feet high. In the decades since, the lava flow has buried
48 square miles of land and destroyed many homes.

In 2008, after a series of small earthquakes rattled the island,
Kilauea's summit crater opened and gushed lava and rock over 75
acres of the mountain, damaging a nearby visitor overlook.

The video released Tuesday is the highest resolution footage the
agency has ever captured of the lava lake, and will be included
in a longer documentary about the history of the volcano around
the 10th anniversary of the current eruption in 2018.

With video:

Image: In this photo provided by the U.S. Geological Survey, the
lava lake atop Kilauea volcano erupts on Hawaii's Big Island,
Sept. 28, 2016 ...

Sending Pic:225x135C;


17580 kHz

15670 kHz

VOA Radiogram now changes to Olivia 64-2000 ...


RSID: <<2016-10-08T16:14Z OL 64-2K @ 17580000+1500>>

This is VOA Radiogram in Olivia 64-2000.

Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

Pacific Garbage Patch Larger Than Thought

VOA News
October 5, 2016

WASHINGTON - Floating garbage is choking the world's oceans and
it turns out that the biggest concentration, known as the great
Pacific garbage patch, is much bigger than previously thought.

After the latest aerial survey by the Ocean Cleanup foundation,
scientists now say that the garbage patch's core contains more
than 1 trillion pieces of plastic trash, covering about 1 million
square kilometers.

Soon, they say, it will be visible from the space.

Driven by wind and ocean currents, the Pacific garbage patch is
continually changing shape while traveling in a vast circle. It
is now between Hawaii and California.

Contrary to the popular image, it is not a floating island but
rather an area littered with discarded, mostly plastic items,
often broken into not immediately visible pieces.

Next year the Ocean Cleanup foundation, partially funded by the
Dutch government, plans to test a huge v-shaped rubber boom that
would corral the rubbish into a cone for possible collection.

Scientists say without urgent action to curb plastic waste
entering the world's oceans, by 2050 the waters will contain more
plastic than fish.



VOA Radiogram now returns to MFSK32




RSID: <<2016-10-08T16:23Z MFSK-32 @ 17580000+1500>>

This is VOA Radiogram in MFSK32

Hurricane Matthew is affecting the southeastern USA this

For a good look at its present location and movement, visit ...


Zoom out, and move south by "pulling" the radar image upwards.
At the bottom of the radar image, activate the animation by
pushing the right-arrow button.

Sending Pic:353x293;


17580 kHz

15670 kHz


Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.

And visit voaradiogram.net.

Twitter: @VOARadiogram

Thanks to colleagues at the Edward R. Murrow shortwave
transmitting station in North Carolina.

I'm Kim Elliott. Please join us for the next VOA Radiogram.

This is VOA, the Voice of America.

Sending Pic:506x45C;


17580 kHz

15670 kHz





 D-06193 Petersberg (Germany/Germania)


 Dipol for 40m-Band    &   Boomerang Antenna 11m-Band

 RX   for  RF:

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 Software IF:

 con STUDIO1  -  Software italiano per SDR     [S-AM-USB/LSB]

 Software AF:

 Fldigi-3.23.12     http://skylink.dl.sourceforge.net/project/fldigi/fldigi/readme.txt    +   flmsg-3.00.01


 German XP-SP3 with support for asian languages

 German W7 32bit + 64bit


 MEDION Titanium 8008  (since 2003)   [ P4 - 2,6 GHz]

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